Add an audio link to each slide. The requirement for this assessment is a narrated powerpoint.
The Vital Role of Play in the Lives
of Infants & Toddlers
Title Slide
First Slide: Introduction explaining your definition of infant/toddler play based on current resources
The Inter-Relationship Between Infant/Toddler Play, Exploration & Learning
At least 5 slides synthesizing the inter-relationship between infant/toddler play, exploration, and learning (with examples from varying age levels and insights substantiated by resources)
Play: The Role of Children & Adults
At least 5 slides explaining 1) the vital role children have in their own play, and 2) the role of adults in truly fostering play and development while honoring children’s individuality, initiative, interests, and imaginations (with examples from varying age levels and insights substantiated by resources)
Appropriate & Inspiring Play Spaces
At least 5 slides synthesizing the role of appropriate and inspiring play spaces in fostering children’s growth (with examples and insights substantiated by resources)
The Inter-Relationship Between Child-Directed Play, Play Spaces & Healthy Development & Learning
At least 2 slides synthesizing the inter-relationship between child-directed/independent play, play spaces in infant/toddler care and education programs, and children’s healthy development and learning (with examples and insights substantiated by resources)